
Super juice for your skin

Juicing has become increasingly popular in recent years and is now a multimillion dollar industry. Carrots are a common ingredient in many juices, as they provide a flavor that pairs well with many other fruits and vegetables.

Aside from its taste, carrot juice may also provide numerous health benefits. These possible benefits include reducing the risks of many different health conditions.

Carrots are alkaline-forming and clear acidic blood conditions including acne ,tonsillitis ,and rheumatism; they are also one of the richest sources of the anti-oxidant beta-carotene ( provitamin A).
Beta-carotene/vitamin A benefits the skin and is anti-inflammatory for the mucous membranes, therefore carrots are useful for skin lesions and lung ,digestive tract , and urinary tract infections.

Top tips on how to take the carrot juice
For a concentration of vitamin A and other nutrients, juice is ideal -it should be taken only on an empty stomach.

• 1green apple
• 4 carrots
• A thumb-size piece of fresh ginger
• 1 celery stick

Juice them all and add a few drops of olive oil (unrefined/cold pressed).

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Super juice for your skin

Juicing has become increasingly popular in recent years and is now a multimillion dollar industry. Carrots are a common ingredient in many juices, as they provide a flavor that pairs well with many other fruits and vegetables.

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